Platinum Plus

With the Secure Identity Systems Platinum Plus Plan, you and your entire household can be protected against every form of identity theft with the following services:

  • Continuous Total Identity MonitoringProactive notification of suspicious activity involving the subscriber's Social Security number. Total Identity Monitoring goes beyond the credit bureaus, continuously looking through thousands of databases for breaches of your identity that the credit bureaus would not detect. If suspicious activity is discovered, we will contact you to discuss the activity and determine if identity theft has occurred, and if resolution services are necessary. Your initial risk assessment is available upon enrollment. You can login at any time to check your most current scan results.
  • Credit Bureau Monitoring and Reporting through Equifax -  Proactive alerts and warnings of any suspicious activity involving the subscriber's Equifax credit bureau report such as address change attempt, new credit attempt, etc. Credit Bureau Monitoring also allows subscriber to run one Equifax credit report per year. Credit Bureau Monitoring is only available to those over the age of 18.
  • Fully Managed Resolution Services- If you or a covered member of your family is a victim of identity theft, a personal resolution advocate will be assigned to your case and will work with you every step of the way to clear your identity back to pre-theft status. It doesn't matter how long it takes - we will continue to work until the problems are cleared up.
  • $50,000 Expense Reimbursement Plan  - Coverage reimburses victim up to $50,000 for out-of-pocket costs associated with the clearing of an identity theft including reimbursement of lost wages (up to $1,500 a week for up to four weeks) if a victim needs to take time off from work in order to clear their identity. Examples of covered expenses include: court fees, travel expenses, notary fees and more.
  • StealthType Anti-Keylogging Tool - While most spy ware tools find the hidden software only after they have already been installed on the victim's computer and their important information is already in the hands of an identity thief, Secure Identity Systems' anti-keylogging tool actually stops the transfer of personal and sensitive information before it can get into the thief's hands. Every keystroke is encrypted as it is typed, at the keyboard level.
The Platinum Plus Plan is available in an Individual Plan, or a Family Plan for a low monthly fee.


Protect Yourself Today!

Enroll Now
$19.95 Monthly
$59.85 Quarterly
$239.40 Annual

Protect Your Family Today!*

Enroll Now
$24.95 Monthly
$74.85 Quarterly
$299.40 Annual

*The Family Plan covers the enrollee, a spouse/significant other, and up to four household dependents under the age of 25. The Credit Bureau Monitoring and Reporting services through Equifax are limited to a maximum of two adult members per family plan. Keyboard encryption/anti-keylogging tool protects up to two computers. Contact our support desk if you have additional computers to protect.